An Old Watch
I bought this old Citizens watch today for four dollars. It was dirty and well-worn. After doing a little research, I am sure it is a mid-80s timepiece. After cleaning it up, it looks good.
I have a fondness for old watches for a few reasons, but the main reason is that, at some point, they were on the wrist of a human who was experiencing something new for the first time. Maybe it was a child being born, a car accident, a graduation, a wedding, or maybe at the casket of a loved one.
Whatever the life event, it just kept time. It was dependable, and by the marks on it, you could tell it was a daily part of someone's life. I like people like that. People are just going to be there day in and day out. Dependable people.
But like this watch, it was dependable until it wasn't, and considering I found it in a thrift store, it was unceremoniously disregarded. If you have reliable people, cherish them, and never throw them away if all they need is a new battery.